Andrew Cahak is a comedian.
Since 2011, he has been charming audiences throughout the Midwest with his sharp wit. Cahak (pronounced “Sah-hock” but he’ll forgive you for butchering it) has been featured in the 10,000 Laughs Festival and is the host of the podcasts Dogbrain with Andrew Cahak and Life Was Peachy. He also co-created and co-hosted Fresh Hell Comedy Ka-Blingo and the high-concept comedy showcase The Devil, You Say! In 2019, Andrew Cahak released his debut album, Dracula and was nominated for Best Comedian In The Twin Cities by City Pages readers (an award he did not win [due to Russian meddling]). He wrote this biography in third person because someone had to do it and it wasn’t going to be you, now was it?
Click here for a hi-res headshot
Videos (Stand-up & sketches AKA "my little skits")
You can buy my debut stand-up album, Dracula, now. Go to to choose the digital or limited edition vinyl version.